Junior Chefs Showcase Culinary Skills

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Photo Caption: Students of the St. James and Charlestown Primary School, first place winners.

By: T. Chapman

Junior students from the different Primary Schools across Nevis faced off in a cooking competition held on Monday at the Nevis Performing Arts Centre.

Photo Caption: Meal prepared by St. James Primary School

Each school had two Grade 4 Junior chefs in the My Healthy Plate Competition, a program designed to teach children to make healthy meal choices.

Having learnt about food groups and proportion sizes in the second term, (January – April) students had to prepare a pre-made healthy snack which was judged on competition day and take part in a live cooking competition.

The young chefs prepared a wide array of dishes that were professionally presented.

The My Healthy Plate campaign targets grade 4 students and repeats each term with the same students over three years. According to information disseminated, each term, a new topic will be covered. Officials are proposing to monitor how students body mass index (BMI) changes over three years.

Photo Caption: Students of the St. Thomas’ Primary School adding ingridients to their dish.

Students were supported by parents, teachers, well wishers, local chefs, top ranking Government and Ministry officials, (from Education, Health, Agriculture)

Charlestown Primary School and St. James Primary School were adjudged joint winners.

The Junior Chef Competition was a collaborative effort by the Ministries of Health, Gender Affairs, Agriculture and the Taiwan ICDF.

The Final Results were as follows :

1st Place: St. James Primary School & Charlestown Primary School

2nd Place: VOJN Primary School

3rd Place: Nevis Academy and Ivor Walters Primary School

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